
The Riddle of Three-Way Creek, by Richiard Cullum (paperback)

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In the heart of the Canadian wilderness, Corporal Andrew McFardell is tasked with escorting a mysterious prisoner, Jim Pryse, through a harsh and unforgiving landscape. As snow begins to fall and a storm looms, the two men face treacherous terrain and chilling temperatures. With McFardell determined to deliver his charge to justice, and Pryse holding secrets that could change everything, they must navigate a world where loyalty and survival are constantly tested.

Their journey through the frozen valley is just the beginning of a tale filled with danger, unexpected alliances, and the stark beauty of the wilderness. In The Riddle of Three-Way Creek, Ridgwell Cullum weaves a gripping story of adventure and human spirit set against the backdrop of the relentless Canadian winter.