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- I CAN'T LOG INTO MY ACCOUNT. Please make sure you have an account with our new shopping cart -- we changed software in August 2015, and we were not able to move over old accounts. If you haven't ordered since August 2015, you don't have an account and will need to set up a new one (or order as a guest).
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- DO YOUR EBOOKS USE DRM? None of the ebooks sold here at have Digital Rights Management encryption.
- HOW DO I GET THE EBOOKS? Check out with your email address and you will receive an email with download links. You will need to download them after purchase.
- HOW TO GET KINDLE EBOOKS ONTO MY KINDLE? Download the Kindle versions (they end in .mobi) and move them onto your Kindle with a USB cable -- or, if you have set up a "send to Kindle" email address on (highly recommended—it's free), you can email the ebooks as attachments to that email address, and they will sync wirelessly with your Kindle.
More detailed instructions:
Sign up for "Send to Kindle" at—they will assign you a special email address just for your Kindle account. When you forward your ebooks as attachments to this special email address, the ebooks will automagically appear in your library and on your device(s). Click here for more information. (This link will redirect you to the "Send to Kindle" instructions page at the Amazon web site.)
"Send to Kindle" is also available as a Chrome and Firefox web browser extension, or for Android, PC, or Mac! Once you have your special email address, you can use it in your browser or your phone or computer. Instructions: Click here (redirects to
If all else fails, contact us!