
Dancing with Dragons, by Bud Sparhawk

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The monstrous snow snake roared past Paul Levin at fantastic speed, leaving a falling mist of slush and ice behind. The mist was so dense that he couldn't even see giant Jupiter above the horizon.

The habitat could only be a few hundred meters further, Paul thought. He cautiously skied ahead, probing the ice with the tip of his ski before transferring his weight forward.

Suddenly a massive jolt shook the ice pack. He was violently thrown off his feet and tossed about. It felt as if all of Europa had shifted beneath him. He was terrified as the surface continued to tremble. As the tremors continued, Paul didn't know whether he was going to live or die . . .

BUD SPARHAWK is a native of Maryland. He was born in Baltimore and now lives with his wife in Annapolis. He has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Maryland and an MBA in Finance from Oklahoma City University. Since 1980, he has been an information systems consultant.