Information for Booksellers
Our terms were updated August 5, 2019.
1. We require prepayment or payment with orders.
We no longer process purchase orders from booksellers without prepayment. If requested, we will send a pro forma invoice upon receipt of a purchase order, and the order will be filled when the balance is paid.
2. For a fast answer to any product queries, email instead of phoning.
Our shipping person is in the office one day per week (usually Tuesday) and checks the answering machine messages at that time. By far the FASTEST way to get an answer to any query about products really is to email us. Most of the staff works remotely and is constantly checking email.
3. For fastest order processing, order online.
You DO NOT need to phone in or mail in a credit card order. For orders under 70 copies, the best and fastest way to place your order is through the web site. It will give you a bookseller discount (use the coupon codes below—which are based on quantity ordered—to get your bookseller's discount). For orders over 70 copies, we will need to provide you with a custom shipping quotation.
4. Alternate ways to order.
You may order through one of our distributors (Ingram, Baker & Taylor, NACS) as well as through our web site. We recommend our web site for fastest service, though.
5. How to get your discount.
If you order through our web site, you must use one of the coupon codes below. You will not receive a discount on your order unless you use a coupon code. Please note that you will be charged for shipping.
6. Third-party shipping options.
We regret that we are unable to ship via third-party shipping companies at this time.
Orders must be placed through for these coupons to work.
- Coupon code: BOOKSELLR1 (25% discount on 1-10 books)
- Coupon code: BOOKSELLR2 (35% discount on 11-24 books)
- Coupon code: BOOKSELLR3 (40% discount on 25+ books)
7. For mail orders/email orders.
For fastest service, we recommend ordering through the web site. Of course, we recognize that some companies need to send checks, and we are happy to process orders with checks as they are received. We check our post office box once per week (orders will be filled the next day our shipping person is in the office, usually on Tuesdays).
Please use our web site to prepare your order (put the items you wish to order in the shopping cart and select your shipping option). Print out that page (do not submit it unless you are using a credit card). Then mail that page with your check to:
Wildside Press LLC
Att: Web Orders
7945 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 215
Cabin John, MD 20818
8. Phone orders/queries.
Of course, we will respond to all phone calls. Please be patient if you leave a message -- there no need to leave multiple messages. We will respond as soon as possible (usually on the next Tuesday, when our shipping person is in the office). We are also happy to respond to faxed information requests (usually on the next Tuesday, when our shipping person is in the office).
- Phone (301) 762-1305
- Fax (301) 762-1306
We regret that we are unable to accept returns, except in the rare case of a damaged or misprinted book.