Quick view Wildside Press Building New Worlds, 1946-1959: The Carnell Era, Volume One, by John Boston and Damien Broderick (ePub/Kindle) Building New Worlds is a history of a pivotal decades-long episode in the birth and growth of today' MSRP: Was: Now: $4.99 Add to Cart
Quick view Wildside Press Human's Burden, by Damien Broderick and Rory Barnes (ePub/Kindle) Poor Jack Wong is a clueless cadet at the Unified Space Academy when his pod is stranded on a planet MSRP: Was: Now: $4.99 Add to Cart
Quick view Wildside Press I'm Dying Here: A Comedy of Bad Manners, by Damien Broderick and Rory Barnes (ePub/Kindle) R. Doubting Thomas Perdue, tough Aussie former P.I. and jailbird, is in trouble, and it can only get MSRP: Was: Now: $3.99 Add to Cart
Quick view Wildside Press New Worlds: Before the New Wave, 1960-1964: The Carnell Era, Volume Two, by John Boston and Damien Broderick (ePub/Kindle) In the mid-1960s, British science fiction and fantasy were convulsed by the "New Wave." This movemen MSRP: Was: Now: $4.99 Add to Cart
Quick view Wildside Press Strange Highways: Reading Science Fantasy, 1950-1967 (ePub/Kindle) "Science Fantasy" blends science fiction AND fantasy, so it tends to be bolder and more highly color MSRP: Was: Now: $4.99 Add to Cart
Quick view Wildside Press Valencies: A Science Fiction Novel, by Damien Broderick and Rory Barnes (ePub/Kindle) In the year 4004 AD, the entire universe of habitable worlds has been filled with human beings, than MSRP: Was: Now: $2.99 Add to Cart
Quick view Wildside Press Xeno Fiction: More Best of Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Fiction, edited by Damien Broderick and Van Ikin (ePub/Kindle) Science fiction loves strangeness. It relishes oddities, even when it piles on fear and dystopian lo MSRP: Was: Now: $4.99 Add to Cart
Quick view Wildside Press Zones, by Damien Broderick and Rory Barnes (ePub/Kindle) Jenny Kane loves weird science--but it's gone way, WAY out of control. Her mother's moved out, her d MSRP: Was: Now: $4.99 Add to Cart