
The Mystery Fancier (Vol. 3 No. 4) July-August 1979

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The Mystery Fancier, July/August 1979, Volume 3 Number 4, contains: "Little Old Ladies I Have Known and Loved," by Ellen Nehr, "Tension and Duality: Daphne Du Marier's 'Don't Look Now'," by Jane S. Bakerman, "His Own Desert," by Everett F. Bleiler, "The History and Activities of Mystery Fans in Sweden (and Scandinavia)," by Iwan Hedman, "The Crime Novels of Harold R. Daniels," by George Kelley, "The Curmudgeon in the Corner, Grumblings," by William Loeser and "The Nero Wolfe Saga, Part XIV," by Guy M. Townsend.